Shopper Insights

Precise shopper-driven analytics to reinvent your brand experience

The shopper journey and retail landscape are continually evolving. Bring digital shopper analytics into the store to keep pace and help to optimise the shopper experience. 

 Sensormatic Solutions collects and delivers data which can easily be converted into meaningful insights and actionable outcomes, allowing retailers to make shopping easier, more convenient and more interesting.

From people counting devices at property entrances to location-based mobile technologies providing shopper movements, we take a technology-agnostic approach to build a comprehensive view of the shopper journey and customer behaviour inside – and beyond – your stores or company properties, to help you understand what is happening throughout your unique retail space. This new level of visibility reveals traffic analytics that enable you to quickly find and react to opportunities, driving sales and profitability.  

Comprehensive insights to optimise labour, store performance, marketing effectiveness, merchandising and property investments. 

 Global insights and analytics based on over 165 billion shopper visits counted. 

 A dedicated team that helps retailers to understand the actions that will drive the greatest impacts.

fashionable man and woman shoppers in high-end retail jewelry store to purchase a pendant assisted by woman store associate

Retail Analytics That Blend and Streamline Complex Data Sets

Sensormatic Solutions’ Shopper Insights portfolio leverages data from multiple sources, arming retailers with the information they need to run their businesses more effectively. ShopperTrak Analytics blends retail data sets through easy-to-use online dashboards and offers clear answers to important performance-related questions. Our solution can be deployed across an entire business and made visible to employees at every level. And – even better – each user can view results applicable to their role and tailor their experience to fit specific needs. 

 Find out more about how Traffic Analytics streamlines multiple data sources on our intuitive dashboard

The Benefit of Benchmarks

Imagine understanding how your in-store traffic compares with that of similar businesses. Sensormatic Solutions’ Market Intelligence platform provides retailers with people-counting insights into benchmark performance for an individual or grouping of stores against the rest of the market by geography or sub-vertical. This helps retailers to better contextualise store performance at city, region or national level. 

Find out more about Market Intelligence and why better benchmarks lead to smarter retail
man shopping in multi-level retail mall looking for friend leans over the open atrium to the ground level
interior of multi-level shopping mall with many retail shoppers and a large hanging sculpture of interlocking rings

Counting Visitors Leads to Operational Accuracy

It is difficult to manage what you can’t measure. Without a reliable and accurate data source to help you understand traffic, you are just guessing how many visitors enter and exit your space each day. From small, temporary kiosks all the way up to large shopping centres and entertainment venues, Sensormatic Solutions' People Counting solution delivers up to 98% accuracy to help improve the shopper experience. 

We count visitors using overhead traffic counting devices at entrances and throughout the store to deliver deep and accurate insights on consumer behaviour in physical spaces. Our People Counting solutions supply visibility into traffic trends, selling opportunities and store performance. By integrating traffic, sales and labour data into your analysis, you can better understand how effectively you are converting customers and whether you have the labour coverage needed for success, and make smart marketing and property decisions. 

Find out more about the powerful insights our People Counting portfolio can reveal

Accurate In-Store Data to Reinvent the Shopper Experience

Understanding the shopper journey is a key element of overall shopper behaviour. Our Shopper Journey solution leverages people counting devices, Wi-Fi, mobile and video technology to better understand shopper behaviour and to get a more holistic view of in-store insights through a single platform. 

Find out more about our Shopper Journey solution and how it enables a better understanding of shopper behaviour
closeup view of man shoe store employee kneeling on floor helping woman retail customer try on a pair of boots
disabled man in wheelchair holds a gift box purchase while his wife and daughter accompany him through retail shopping mall

Reinvent the Shopping Centre Experience

The right data can help to improve efficiency, optimise daily operations and increase profits. Our Traffic Counting solution for shopping centres helps to empower property owners, managers and other business users through access to reliable, accurate shopper traffic metrics. Sensormatic Solutions’ real-time analytics let users visualise and understand traffic patterns in the busiest areas and at the busiest times. By leveraging advanced people-counting technology, data-driven insights help to further optimise shopping centre performance. This includes visibility into new leasing models, operational efficiencies, asset management and marketing campaign effectiveness. 

Explore our Shopping Centre solutions and discover all the things that reliable and accurate shopper traffic data can do
data chart with unlabeled vertical bars and horizontal trend line

Contact us to learn more about Shopper Insights.

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